How Ginnie & Sarah Received a Heart for Israel

Ginnie's Story

In August of 1996, The Lord clearly spoke to me, “I want you to go to Israel and pray through the land.” I thought, “Why Israel?” so I went to the Word. I randomly flipped open my Bible. Out of all Scripture, I read Psalm 122:6. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love her.”  God supernaturally confirmed His voice. I said to God, “I have never thought of praying for Israel. I need You to pray through me.”  

Just three weeks later, I was in Israel praying through the land! The entire trip, my left side was physically burning. At the time, I thought I was being healed of a recently diagnosed breast tumor. So I asked the Lord, “What was that burning on my left side?” God replied, “Ginnie, when you pray for Israel, it’s like Drano® (strong drain pipe cleaner) pouring over your heart. I was getting rid of all the built-up plaque of sin and old habits. I was healing your heart.” Incredible! Praying for Israel had brought a new purity into my heart!

A month later, I offered to take my three daughters ice skating after they cleaned their rooms. I went to check on Sarah, who was eight years old at the time, and found her sitting at her desk writing. “Sarah, you are supposed to be cleaning your room!” I exclaimed. I walked over to see what she was writing and saw the words: “Today is the day we will kneel and pray, praying for the peace of Jerusalem! You say those that love her will prosper. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem!” I could not believe my eyes. Sarah was writing a song for Israel. I said, “Sarah, don’t move. Keep writing. I will clean your room for you.” 

As I picked up her clothes, toys, and shoes, the Lord spoke to me, “Just as you are putting Sarah’s messy room in order for her as she prays for the peace of Jerusalem, I will put your life in divine order and divine blessing as you pray for My people. I will do it for you!” At the time, I was in desperate need for His restoration! As I prayed for the peace of Jerusalem, I saw God fulfill His promise. God restored divine order and blessing in every area of my life. Years later, God continues to fulfill His Psalm 122:6 promise for me and my family! As I pray for Israel’s shalom (peace), He gives me shalom (peace). As I bless Israel financially, He blesses me financially. As I prayer for her prosperity, He prospers me. But don’t just take my word for it. Bless Israel and watch the Lord fulfill His promise and perform His Word in your life. 


Sarah's Story....

I very clearly remember the day I wrote my first song for Israel. I was sitting at my little desk receiving the words and melody from the Lord. What a powerful moment! God was giving me a heart for Israel at eight years old.

In 2011, I had the joy of visiting Israel with my mom. We walked where Abraham, David, Jesus, and the disciples walked. We toured sites where biblical history was made and end time prophesies are go- ing to be fulfilled—an incredible juxtaposition of past, present, and future. During the trip, the Lord gave me “Peace Over You,” a new song for Israel. I sang the chorus over the land: “We pray peace over you / Nothing broken, nothing bruised / shattered pieces whole again / missing parts found in Yeshua”

One night, I was praying for Israel before I fell asleep and started
to hear my heartbeat. Every heartbeat resounded through my entire
body. I had never experienced anything like it! I asked the Lord, “What
are You telling me?” I heard Him say, “This is my heart for Israel. My
heart beats for her.” Thank you, Holy Spirit, for revealing such an intimate part of God’s heart to me! Ask the Lord to give you a heart for Israel. Experience the power of this mystery.

Tags: Israel